Can a cheap carpet cleaner do the same work as an expensive cleaner? It’s certainly not necessary to choose the highest priced cleaner in the market to guarantee the cleanest carpets. BUT, choosing the lowest cost cleaner is a sure way to guarantee BAD results and carpets in worse condition than before cleaning! There is a certain price point that a Professional Carpet Cleaner WITH PROPER EQUIPMENT can do an effective job properly cleaning your carpets. That price is NOT $10 a room. Consider this. It takes fuel to get to your home, fuel to run truck mounted equipment, chemical costs, equipment maintenance costs, drive time and cleaning labor. So how can a carpet cleaner afford to do business at the extremely low “TEASER RATES” or whole house specials they advertise. Easy…THEY CAN’T! They either rely on “up-selling” the customer with “extras” that should have been included in the first place and high pressure sales or they won’t be in business long term.
Ripley Services’ pricing structure is on the low end of the industry, BUT we guarantee to out clean anyone at any price! You will get the most bang for your buck. Complete the free online estimate form on the right or give us a call and we will quote you a quality carpet clean.